Elder Masse

Elder Masse
Serving a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints August 2015-2017

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 - Halloween, Temple Opens!, Rode on a Ferry!, "I have never truly realized the importance of member missionaries and the importance of being involved in everything but it is a network for success"

Area: Mont-St-Hilaire (near St Hyacinthe), Quebec, Canada 
Trainer: Elder Ross Rosenlof
Language: French

1 - that is an impossible question haha. there are so many things on my mind all the time. I just cant believe I am here and i have really been thinking about what we can do to do better. There are so many little adjustments that we can make as missionaries that can help us move mountains. The work can be slow here sometimes and the people can be harsh but if missionaries would really just put there full heart into this work and if the members would also be missionaries I know that there would be so many mighty miracles out here. I have never truly realized the importance of member missionaries and the importance of being involved in everything but it is a network for success. So i have just been thinking about what we can do to really motivate everyone else to get the vision for what the work can be like here. There is so much to do here. 

2- I got.. a package i believe I am losing track of days haha I got all the stuff you sent in french like all the scripture mastery stuff and scriptures! that was great! It was such a nice surprise! If you want to send me more stuff I will always be in need of protien bars and.. I dont know you could send me a LITTLE bit of candy every once in a while haha i will ask if i need something! Other than that I havent gotten any letters but i love you so much mother! You are trule the best missionary mother in the world I brag about you all the time!

3- umm.. this week? talking spanish with people who didnt expect me to speak spanish! watching Jean charron try to flirt with pierrette haha.. Umm.. Seeing ELDER VANAQUER AGAIN! !!!!! missed him and love him! he is in ottowa speaking spanish! We had a halloween party this week so watching all the little kids etc. We have some great families in our ward! 

4- umm.. I don't know if i saw anything unusual this week.. we found some Islamic people and they invited us in and it was a really good learning experience! There was some interesting events.. At the very end a lady walked down the stairs and asked " have you told them what the book of mormon sais about black people? oh you haven't? well you should really read that part its not nice." yeah.. that was interesting haha she was not very kind about it either but all is well! We just shrugged it off and we didn't have the chance to respond.. sadly.. but C'est la vie! Other than that not really.. 

5- Umm I love the cold here and really just nature. It is absolutely beautiful here and everything is in french and its so cool walking out every morning in the cold being able to see your breath and there is this big field by our house so looking at it and seeing it covered with frost its so beautiful! the sunsets and the sunrises are always spectacular. 

6- umm.. because it was the end of the month we had almost no " clicks " ( miles) left and so we walked almost everywhere we stayed pretty local so.. we just stayed in mnt st hilaire! BUT the temple opened up this week and we got to go to a special missionary showing with our investigators and that was so cool! it was so beautiful! 

7- umm,. i definitely have a better grasp on the language but i mean i still cant believe i am here it just feels like a dream and french is just starting to become normal its so weird. people will speak and i will just understand what they are saying and respond and its so abnormal.. but its normal now!

8- umm i have 2 pairs of shoes and i just rotate them! so i wear them pretty equally but! No not always if its super rainy than we do but it just depends we usually ask them and just follow what they are doing. So its a 50 50 type thing.

9- I am honestly always happy i am always smiling and I am so happy to be where I am! I don't think i have ever smiled so much in my life.. 


we went on a lesson with a return missionary and he really understand what we go through.. so after we taught the lesson he took us to the story and bought us STEAK! yeah so we had an amazing meal the next day i have a picture!

we got to cross a on a ferry! the sky and the trees are so beautiful here!

Yeah we had a halloween party! umm we were instructed to be extra safe.. so we just moved our studied to the night time and tried to stay indoors for the most part. I dont think they celebrate it here as much as the U.S Other than that yeah its the same. And we do our laundry in our apartment! we have a washer and dryer!  this week really wasn't super exciting just a lot of finding activities! 
Love, Elder Masse'

1.      What have you been thinking about lately?
2.      Did you get any packages/letters?
3.      What made you laugh?
4.      What did you see that was unusual or did you try something new?
5.      Tell me something you love about Canada
6.      What’s a place you went this week?
7.      How do you feel different now than when you first arrived in Montreal?
8.      Do you take your shoes off when you go into people’s homes?  What shoes do you wear most often?
9.      Are you happy?