Elder Masse

Elder Masse
Serving a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints August 2015-2017

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016 - splits, viral infection, love Laval!, " It is truly wonderful to see the powers of heaven manifest to all people regardless of their differences. The priesthood power is for all people. It doesn't matter what ethnicity, what language it's in. God loves all his children equally and he provides for all of them regardless of circumstances. It was amazing to see this manifest this week as I got to participate in countless acts of the priesthood.", "I am right next to montreal so I get all the culture and I can go there whenever I want! There are so many things I love about it! It is a french area and there is plenty of culture here the ward is amazing and super supportive! It is just like I am home again! what more could I ask for? "

Comp: Elder Udave (Elder Navaret & Elder Shumway)
Area: Laval, Quebec
French & Spanish Speaking

1. What are the highlights of your week?
2. Do you have any questions for me?
3. How are you feeling?  Have you heard anything about transfers?
4. What made you laugh?
5. Tell me something in French!
6. What do you love about being a missionary in Laval?
7. What's one way you've changed from your last birthday?
8. Spiritual experiences or tender mercies?

1- This week! This week was pretty good! It was very interesting haha I got a viral infection of some kind so i have gone in between sleeping, and missionary work basically haha. But despite all that we were still able to find new people to teach and give blessings and just be of service! I participated in like 5 blessings this week it was crazy! So many people asked for blessings so this was really special giving and helping give blessings in french and once in spanish! We has stake conference and we had a member of the 70 come so that was very cool! He did not speak French so it was cool seeing someone translate everything for him. Other than that it was a pretty normal week transfers are coming up and elder Navarrete will be going home soon so everything has been kinda crazy/sad/exciting. But all is well! 

2- questions! haha.. Well I guess there are always questions.. What is the weather like? how is school going for te boys? friends? Changes that have happened in your lives? How is the new house? ect. Anything crazy happened in the world lately? 

3- We will get transfer calls this saturday and for sure something will happen to the apartment because elder Navarrete is leaving but we will see! Elder Udave should stay with me because it has only been 3 transfers since he got here and well I have only been here for 1 so I should be fine! But who knows what will happen. We are also moving in like 2 weeks so the new missionary will get to this aparment then help move all of our stuff to the new one haha. I feel as amazing as I can with a viral infection hahaha. I have a cold of sorts and I am a little tired and weak but all is well. I will be better by the end of the week probably! So no worries! 

4- OH! I forgot we also had splits with the zone leaders this week so we got to go to their apartment. They live in a 4 man so in the end there was 6 missionaries sleeping there. Sounds like trouble haha. It was so fun though! We played pinochle and just laughed the whole day away we were effective! I accidently melted a plastic spatula because I was frying potatoes and I couldn't find a metal one so well.. plastic... hot oil.. Yeah it was pretty funny! The fire alarm went off haha. and I got to meet Elder Dalmasi! He emailed me while he was in the MTC because he found my blog and I emailed him back and I told him that I would see him one day and he was in the apartment with the zone leaders! He is one of the funniest people I have ever met and take off the dal in his name and our names are very similar sounding! Anyways not the best description but it was just one of those you had to be there moments. 

5- ma mère! qu'est-ce que je dois dire.. je veux que tu sais que je suis vraiment reconnaissant pour toutes les choses que tu as fait pour moi. chaque jour je regardes au tour de moi et je vois les benedictions qui vienne de toi. je t'aime beaucoup ma mère spécialement pour les cadeaux que j'ai recu cette semaine! Merci!   

6- What's not to love? I think I have described our area quite a bit but it really is quite ideal the situation that I am in. My companion is the district leader so I get all the perks of going on a bunch of splits! I am in an apartment with 2 missionaries that arent in my zone or district so when they go on splits I get to see even more missionaries! I am right next to montreal so I get all the culture and I can go there whenever I want! There are so many things I love about it! It is a french area and there is plenty of culture here the ward is amazing and super supportive! It is just like I am home again! what more could I ask for? 

7- It has felt like an eternity since my last birthday.. I remember it very well too! I was in hawaii smiling the days away with Devin and Natalie! I didn't think it could possibly get any better and in many ways I was right Life was perfect and I was with 2 of my favorite people in the world! Those memories seem so far away though. I feel like I have aged a lifetime since then but I also realize how young I still am! My desires have changed. My whole life has turned around. My perspective has broadened and I feel like I know what I want with my life now more than ever. The list goes on and on but overall I am just happier! I am more patient and kind. I have just become more of the person that I want to be when I grow up.

8- I think one thing in particular this week was just all the blessings I was able to participate in. As well as a baptism that happened this weekend as well for the Chomedy elders. It is truly wonderful to see the powers of heaven manifest to all people regardless of their differences. The priesthood power is for all people. It doesn't matter what ethnicity, what language it's in. God loves all his children equally and he provides for all of them regardless of circumstances. It was amazing to see this manifest this week as I got to participate in countless acts of the priesthood.

Well I dont think there is too much else to report on.. Birthday is coming up and I am excited as ever! I got a little sick but I am recovering! all is well and I am as happy as could be! love you so much!

-Elder Massé