Elder Masse

Elder Masse
Serving a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints August 2015-2017

Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016 - Snow!! Elder Ham's Birthday! "we are also living with a missionary from tahiti elder O. I love him to death. I got a video of his reaction to his first snowfall. That was also a very tender moment. I don't know if I have ever seen someone else so happy. He was throwing snowballs and laughing all day!"

Comp: Elder Seelos (Kaysville, Utah)

Zone Leader

Area: Ottawa Ontario Stake, Champlain Ward

1- Saturday - So I was on an exchange with the other elders so we woke up and we helped someone move and then went and found 4 new investigators right after! We taught them in our work clothes haha.. So that was awesome and then we were exhausted so we decided to go eat some food and we got those Lebanese taco thingies and they were so good! After that we helped someone else move into a new apartment and basically the entire day was full of service.. and it was elder pink hams birthday so we sang to him and overall it was a really good day! I don't think it was as exciting as back home though! How was that! Obviously throughout the day my thoughts were towards home so I hope that everything worked out and I am so excited to have a bigger family now! 

2- Hmm this week was really peaceful. I can't even describe the love that I have for the weather. This week it SNOWED! So I think one of the best moments this week was when I was doing some community service and working in a soup kitchen and I looked outside and.. IT WAS SNOWING! I was so happy I can't even describe how I felt! I was so happy to see it I don't even know why. We got 5-10cm and it snowed all night and we woke up to a blanket of snow in the morning. Definitely made me smile!  also I don't know if I told you this this but we are also living with a missionary from tahiti elder O. I love him to death. I got a video of his reaction to his first snowfall. That was also a very tender moment. I don't know if I have ever seen someone else so happy. He was throwing snowballs and laughing all day!

3- Definitely just the little miracles I think one in particular was we showed up to brother L. house and he said  that he has someone he wanted us to teach and we got a new investigator on the spot but to make it better this man is 73 years old he is in a wheelchair and honesty he is the best missionary I have ever seen! He shared the gospel with everyone he sees! He constantly asks for pass along cards and lately he has really been trying to get his hands on a tag so that he can be like one of us. 
He is the sweetest old man.

4- ben.. haha cette semaine c'est super bien passe! Je peux pas dire toutes les chose mais je veux dire que mes pensiments ils était chez nous. j'ai fier de devin et Miiko et j'ai hate pour le moment que je peux les voir encore. Apart de ca.. je ne sais pas. Je t'aime beaucoup et je suis content avec toutes les chose qui et en train de passer maintent en ma vie!

5- hmm.  Well about what? All I can't think about right now is how excited I am for the winter and for Devin and the family and for everything that is going on right now! I know that my time is running out in this area but I love it and I am excited for whatever adventures are to come in the future!

6- Hmm On  my mission ether 12 has really come to mean something to me especially versus 4-6 I love the line the said that those who believe in God can hope for a better world. What better message is there than that? The message of the gospel is of hope. It is of joy. When we choose to have faith in God and believe that he is there everything in our lives becomes better. We can be assured that as we trust and rely on him that everything will be okay because he is there for us, he loves us, and we are his children. 

7- This was super great! I am so excited to have another sister and I am looking forward to the day that I get to see all of the family together! Other than that I don't think there is too much else to say about this week.. It was just awesome and I am happy! What can I say more?


-Elder Masse

1. What did you do Saturday?
2. What made you smile?
3. What were your successes this week?
4. Tell me something in Francais.
5. What are your thoughts!
6. Do you have a devotional or scripture for us?
7. Tell me anything!