Comp: Elder Seelos (Kaysville, Utah)
Zone Leader
Area: Ottawa Ontario Stake, Champlain Ward
1. How was your week?? How are you?
2. What was new or exciting?
3. Who are you teaching as of late?
4. What have you been thinking about lately?
5. What advice do you have for dad or the ward council....
6. Tell me something in French@
7. Tell me anything!
1- This week has changed my life.. It really has. We had a visit from Elder Bennett from the 1st quorum of the seventy and he spoke to my soul. I just felt the spirit testify to me of the truthfulness of the things that he was saying and my only desire was to immediately apply them into my life and change. I wanted to become better and I did instantly I instantly applied those changes into my life and I am better now because of it. I have never seen so many miracles in one week. For instance. Woke up had a full set of studies went, found and taught a family, left - taught another investigator she said she was ready for baptism and will be getting baptized this weekend, got a media referral, passed by got a hold of someone we had tried to get a hold of for 2 months, found another family, passed by someone he wasn't there.. man walking to his car we talked to him he was the person we were looking for, found another new investigator and committed her to coming to church the next day and put her on date instantly, contacted a media referral, got a media referral from the Sister training leaders contacted them and committed them to coming to church the next day before we had even met them! ( they came we taught them before church with the bishop ) In between filling out our progress record and going to coordination we found another new investigator and contacted a referral. Basically.. it was the craziest day of my entire mission and I loved it every single thing we did was successful in one way or another because we devoted ourselves completely to the Lord and his work. God lives and I know the he loves his children.
2- Seeing Elder Bennett and having an MLC this week was so amazing! We learned so much we spent roughly 14-16 hours in his presence and I have pages upon pages of notes. Not of what he said but of what I felt and how I could change to help myself and those people around me. So that was basically the most exciting thing of my life haha. Other than that.. just the work is going forward! I have baptized with every companion in this area. This weekend Renee will be getting baptized. She has asked that I baptize her. Thoughts of her bring me to tears because she is a witness to me that God lives, that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and that we are truly sons and daughters of God and we have divine potential. I cannot disclose all of the things that were going on in her life. But I can say that as these weeks have gone on I have personally watched the Atonement of Jesus Christ change her. It mended her and healed her and she is a completely new person. She has accepted Jesus Christ as her savior. She knows that she has a father in heaven and I am so humbled that I got to be here to watch her grow and change. I was there since day 1 and it has changed my life. If nothing else were to ever happen on my mission I would not mind. This single experience is enough to change me for the rest of my life. I will never forget it.
3- Our teaching pool has just exploded a cool experience was this. After the MLC with Elder Bennett I had a burning desire to share the gospel it was probably 5 degrees but we walked all the way to the bus station just so we could talk to everyone on the way there. On the bus I sat next to a man and for 2 and a half hours we spoke in french and I taught him the Gospel. We even said a prayer on the bus. I got his address and his phone number and a return appointment. That experience is one of many recently and I have just had the greatest desire to share this great message with everyone I come in contact with.
4- I have seriously been thinking about what the next weeks and months will bring. What I can personally do to become more consecrated. To become better. I know that this is where I am supposed to be. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and that there is something that he wants me to do here so I plan on doing everything that I can to accomplish that.
5- Attached are a couple of my favorite documents as a missionary there are more but those are the only electronic copies of them that I have. You may already have them.. but I hope they are of some use to you! I would just say that the biggest thing I see here is that leaders focus on planning activites and planning things out and talking about problems which is fine. It is not my domain to correct them they are 100% fulfilling their callings and I have no complaints. I would say though the most effective ward councils that I have seen have been the ones that focus on the people. That really care about the work the missionaries are dong. The 3 key indicators of member and missionary correlation which is the 2nd document has changed my entire mission. It has been so useful. It is a way to measure the ward and the missionaries on their level of coordination I think you will find it useful.
6- ben.. c'est quoi que je peux dire.. ca fait plus que six mois depuis j'ai utilisé mon francias.. il a besoin d'aide. mais je pense que bientot je vais partir de cette cartier et je vais me trouver dans une cartier francaise mais on verra! Peut etre ce serai en espagnol mais je ne sais pas.. toutes est possible. je vais vous dire la semaine prochaine parce que on va recevoir les appels des transfer! J'ai peur! Je t'aime beacoup passez une bonne semaine!
7- My life has changed so much on my mission. I love it so much. I love my companion, my area, the ward, the people I am teaching they are all wonderful and they will be a part of my life for eternity. I know if there is much to say more than that.
Love you lots have a great week!
-Elder Massé