Elder Masse

Elder Masse
Serving a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints August 2015-2017

Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23, 2017 New investigators! "The center of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is change. I have really tasted of that fruit on my mission. When you come on a mission and if you let it change you, every good part of you is edified and you become the best parts of everything that you are. Your weaknesses are no longer weaknesses but opportunities and you really become the person that Heavenly Father wants you to be, has prepared you to be, and needs you to be in the future. "

Comp: Elder Mullen

1. How is the work going in your area??
2. What are the highlights of the week?
3. What made you laugh?
4. What are ways you have changed because of your mission?
5. How have you been keeping warm in this weather???  What are the main things you use from the things we bought at home?  Do you wear your Columbia boots?
6. Tell me anything!

1- AWESOME! Things have been so crazy in this area since I got here! Both with Elder Shakepeare and Elder Mullen we have been killing it and seeing so many miracles! We taught over 20 lessons this week and we hit the standards of excellence which is always a good thing to do! We currently have 4 people on date and things are going! We have a really good relationship with all the ward council members and we have had the wonderful opportunity to help them out in many ways! We are currently teaching every religion you can possible think of.. Messicanic Jew, Budhist, Catholic, Protestant, Jehovas Witness, Christian, Evangelist, Atheist. Just name it haha we are teaching a lot and it has been wonderful!

2- This week hm.. Well we found a lot of new investigators in miraculous ways! I will share one of them with you! Monday after preparation day we had a fixed plan very specific because we know that the more specific we are with our planning the more room there is for miracles to occur anyways that night we were going to go teach some people and do some finding. Well we realized we were out of gas so it put a little dent into the time but it was fine, but here is where the miracles comes into play. I felt the impression that we needed to go somewhere. Somewhere that we had not planned to go that night. I knew the place. I had a feeling we needed to go visit someone in that area but I didnt know who it was. Well it turned out that on exchanges Elder Mullen and Elder Evans had gotten a potential in that area and she said that we could come back Sunday night but in the end they had forgotten about it in the exchange of information and the business of the day. Well it wasnt Sunday night, but I felt like we she go to that area and basically scrap everything that we had planned the night before so what did we do.. We left! Well we show up and we knock on the door and we look in and it is completely empty. There is nothing in the apartment, Elder Mullen assured me that it was the right address. Well a man came to the door, I asked for the lady that they had contacted and he said that she had moved out that day. I didn't get it! I thought we were supposed to go there! I had felt it! Well I asked if he had her number or an address but he had nothing. Well I was about to walk away because this man had tattoos, there was a cigarette hanging from his mouth and he didnt look like the friendlest of fellows. Well the missionary part of my took courage and I started talking to him I figured if the girl just moved out he must be moving in. So I asked him if he was and he said yes. He said he was moving in that night and he said he had al ready payed people to do the job. Well I offered to help him move that night and I wouldnt take no for an answer. He asked where our work clothing was because we were still in white shirts and ties and I said that we were wearing them! Again he became more astonished and asked why we were here and what we were playing. Perfect missionary introducion we got to explain a little bit before the truck showed up. Awesome! Well this giant 36 foot truck shows up and 3 old, cranky men jump out, looking tired and worn, all smoking and cussing and they didnt look like they were in a good mood. They were confused why we were there, but they were tired so they accepted out help. Well in the end we helped them move for 3 hours and we saved them. They had been working that morning since 11am and they were exhausted when they showed up and we were there they thought it was a complete miracle. They kept calling us angels and how much they appreciated what we were doing. They said they had never seen something so kind and had never seen young people like us doing things like this. 1 by 1 each of the 3 men from the truck and man moving in came and talked to us about why we were really here and we got to share testimony of our divine calling and why we help others. It was amazing! They really wouldnt have been able to do it without us. They were so exhausted we helped them in a time when they really needed it and they really believed we were sent to them by God that night. Thankfully I have a 6foot 2 280 pound companion and we were able to go crazy and move almost everything. In the end they tried to pay each of us 40 dollars in cash. We refused, they asked what we wanted? I smiled and asked for 2 things one that each one of them would listen to the special message about Jesus Christ and I asked if we could take a photo. They all agree. We got their numbers and we took a photo together. Elder Mullen and I walked away that night feeling accomplished for having done what the Lords needed us to do that day. I am grateful for that prompting and that we listend to it. Later that week we taught some of them and they became new investigators. Heavenly Father watches over his children and he puts us in their paths at the exact moment when they need us, God lives and he loves his children. 

3- Everything makes me laugh! Elder Mullen is a hilarious guy! We work hard and laugh together while doing it! umm.. Well I mean It was pretty funny this morning when I woke up and my voice was like 2 octaves lower. Everyone in the apartment was laughing and they all talked in deep voices to copy me haha. 

4- The center of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is change. I have really tasted of that fruit on my mission. When you come on a mission and if you let it change you, every good part of you is edified and you become the best parts of everything that you are. Your weaknesses are no longer weaknesses but opportunities and you really become the person that Heavenly Father wants you to be, has prepared you to be, and needs you to be in the future. For me I have really come to know that I am a child of God, I really understand what this means and I understand my divine potential. I really understand and love the scriptures. Not that I didn't love them before but I really treasure them up and I wish I could study them all day. I have become a lot more patient and understanding. I am less competitive and love to praise people for their successes. I am able to cook now! I am much cleaner and organized etc. Haha I am definitely not a perfect person, but I can say that I have changed.

5- Layers! Well I have a down jacket which is really useful because it is really light but very warm! it just depends on how cold it is! I have doubled layered gloves if it gets really cold and under armour, boots, thick wool socks, Everything that I left with at the beginning of my mission I have used! My boots are very useful and nice! They have kept my feet warm and not wet in some pretty crazy situations haha! I appreciate it a lot!  

6- Everything is just dandy! I am loving life and I cant complain about anything! I got the package that you sent me this week haha.. Thank you! I appreciate it! I dont know when you sent it but it is always nice to receive mail haha you are the best! 

Love you! have a great week!

-Elder Massé