Elder Masse

Elder Masse
Serving a Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints August 2015-2017

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6, 2016- " I got to conduct and the spirit was so strong everyone was edified in the end. Sometimes I wish that these wonderful missionaries parents could be at these things. they wouldn't even recognize their children I am sure that all those parents would be so proud to see their children making such mature and serious decisions.", defining characteristics of Masse's,

Area: Ottawa Ontario Stake, Champlain Ward
Comp: Elder Jared Nilson (Kaysville, UT)
Zone Leader

Bonjour ma mère je suis ici!

1.   How did your baptism go?
2.   Have you heard about transfers yet?
3.   Was anything hard about this week?
4.   Did anything unusual or out of the ordinary happen?
5.   Do you sing with the French hymnal at church… or are you singing in English now?
6.   What was your favorite day this week and why
7.   What’s something you love about being a Masse?

8.   Tell me something in French!

1- It WAS AWESOME! I told you the story about their family already right? how the mother was less active and only one of their 4 children were baptized and Since the time elder nilson has been here he reactiveated the Mother and has baptized the other 3 children and we just baptized the father! How cool is that! AHH! It was amazing and in a couple weeks we will be taking them to the temple to do baptisms for the dead so it will be pretty amazing!

2- Yup! haha because I gave them! I will be staying and... KILLING ELDER NILSON! He has been a zone leader for 7 transfers can you believe that! That is soooo long! I am glad that I will get to be with him until the end! Did I tell you as well that this transfer we will be getting a new mission president? If I didnt sorry.. haha! But we will so I will probably be a zone leader for another like 3 transfers with all the adjustments etc. 

3- haha Well we had an emergency zone training after we realized that we needed to have one before the final one at the end of June so we had no time to prepare because of how busy we are. But in the end we really followed the spirit and it was amazing! I got to conduct and the spirit was so strong everyone was edified in the end. Sometimes I wish that these wonderful missionaries parents could be at these things. they wouldn't even recognize their children I am sure that all those parents would be so proud to see their children making such mature and serious decisions. Planning and talking about the salvation of souls. It is truly amazing. 

4- This week? haha.. I dont think so.. Or not that I can recall. It was just a busy week with a lot of running around and driving! Standard but busy. Sorry there isnt more to add to that one.

5- We sing with English now soo.. a little sad but we still sing in the french hymnal everyday because of companion study so all is well! Why do you ask? 

6- I think this saturday was pretty amazing! It was a difficult day elder nilson has been here so long and with the impending doom of transfers calls we were pretty distracted thoughout the day but despite those distractions we were able to find a new investigator and get a lot of stuff done and at the end of the day! He stayed and I am so happy! What more could I ask for? 

7- I think the defining characteristics of us Massé's is that we all have our different talents and abilities, but because we were raised of goodly parents and we were raised to stand by one another we have been able to accomplish anything! We were raised to work hard and be diligent and honestly I think this has been the most important lesson that I have learned in all aspects of my life is how to work. Because I was taught how to work quickly effectively and to be diligent and always finish what I have started it has brought me so much success! Especially in the mission field. So simply I love that I was taught to work hard. To love those around me. To have charity for all people. I love that people have high expectations for us, it makes me accountable and it pushes me to work hard. I couldnt ask for a better family.

8- ma mère! Maintenant je ne sais pas si mon francais sera meuiller parce que j'ai pas beacoup de temps a practiquer mais je vais fair mon mieux. cette semaine c'est bien passé. J'ai realisé que a la fin de la prochaine tranfer j'aurai passé ma mark d'anneé c'est bien fou! ca me donne peur.. Mais je vais continuer de travailler dur et bien representer mon seigneur Jesus Christ. Je T'aime beacoup ma mère passez une bonne semaine! 

-Elder Massé